
       Ray - assemble genomes in parallel using the message-passing interface

       mpiexec -n 80 Ray -k 31 -p l1_1.fastq l1_2.fastq -p l2_1.fastq l2_2.fastq -o test

       mpiexec -n 80 Ray Ray.conf # with commands in a file

       mpiexec -n 80 Ray -k 31 -detect-sequence-files SampleDirectory # auto-detection

       mpiexec -n 10 Ray -mini-ranks-per-rank 7 Ray.conf # with mini-ranks


  The Ray genome assembler is built on top of the RayPlatform, a generic plugin-based
  distributed and parallel compute engine that uses the message-passing interface
  for passing messages.

  Ray targets several applications:

    - de novo genome assembly (with Ray vanilla)
    - de novo meta-genome assembly (with Ray Méta)
    - de novo transcriptome assembly (works, but not tested a lot)
    - quantification of contig abundances
    - quantification of microbiome consortia members (with Ray Communities)
    - quantification of transcript expression
    - taxonomy profiling of samples (with Ray Communities)
    - gene ontology profiling of samples (with Ray Ontologies)

    - compare DNA samples using words (Ray -run-surveyor ...; see Ray Surveyor options)

              Displays this help page.

              Displays Ray version and compilation options.

  Run Ray in pure MPI mode

    mpiexec -n 80 Ray ...

  Run Ray with mini-ranks on 10 machines, 8 cores / machine (MPI and IEEE POSIX threads)

    mpiexec -n 10 Ray -mini-ranks-per-rank 7 ...

  Run Ray on one core only (still needs MPI)

    Ray ...

  Using a configuration file

    Ray can be launched with
    mpiexec -n 16 Ray Ray.conf
    The configuration file can include comments (starting with #).

  K-mer length

       -k kmerLength
              Selects the length of k-mers. The default value is 21. 
              It must be odd because reverse-complement vertices are stored together.
              The maximum length is defined at compilation by CONFIG_MAXKMERLENGTH
              Larger k-mers utilise more memory.


       -detect-sequence-files SampleDirectory
              Detects files in a directory automatically.
              This option can generate these commands automatically for you: LoadPairedEndReads (-p) and LoadSingleEndReads (-s)

       -p leftSequenceFile rightSequenceFile [averageOuterDistance standardDeviation]
              Provides two files containing paired-end reads.
              averageOuterDistance and standardDeviation are automatically computed if not provided.
              LoadPairedEndReads is equivalent to -p

       -i interleavedSequenceFile [averageOuterDistance standardDeviation]
              Provides one file containing interleaved paired-end reads.
              averageOuterDistance and standardDeviation are automatically computed if not provided.

       -s sequenceFile
              Provides a file containing single-end reads.
              LoadSingleEndReads is equivalent to -s


       -o outputDirectory
              Specifies the directory for outputted files. Default is RayOutput
              Other name: -output

  Ray Surveyor options

              Runs Ray Surveyor to compare samples.
              See Documentation/
              This workflow generates:
              RayOutput/Surveyor/SimilarityMatrix.tsv is a similarity Gramian matrix based on shared DNA words
              RayOutput/Surveyor/DistanceMatrix.tsv is a distance matrix (kernel-based).
       -read-sample-graph SampleName SampleGraphFile
              Reads a sample graph (generated with -write-kmers)

  Assembly options (defaults work well)

              Disables read recycling during the assembly
              reads will be set free in 3 cases:
              1. the distance did not match for a pair
              2. the read has not met its mate
              3. the library population indicates a wrong placement
              see Constrained traversal of repeats with paired sequences.
              Sébastien Boisvert, Élénie Godzaridis, François Laviolette & Jacques Corbeil.
              First Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel Sequencing, March 26-27 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

              Debugs the recycling events

              Disables assembly by ignoring seeds.

              Merges seeds initially to reduce running time.

              Disables the scaffolder.

       -minimum-seed-length minimumSeedLength
              Changes the minimum seed length, default is 100 nucleotides

       -minimum-contig-length minimumContigLength
              Changes the minimum contig length, default is 100 nucleotides

              Runs in color-space
              Needs csfasta files. Activated automatically if csfasta files are provided.

       -use-maximum-seed-coverage maximumSeedCoverageDepth
              Ignores any seed with a coverage depth above this threshold.
              The default is 4294967295.

       -use-minimum-seed-coverage minimumSeedCoverageDepth
              Sets the minimum seed coverage depth.
              Any path with a coverage depth lower than this will be discarded. The default is 0.

  Distributed storage engine (all these values are for each MPI rank)

       -bloom-filter-bits bits
              Sets the number of bits for the Bloom filter
              Default is auto bits (adaptive), 0 bits disables the Bloom filter.

       -hash-table-buckets buckets
              Sets the initial number of buckets. Must be a power of 2 !
              Default value: 268435456

       -hash-table-buckets-per-group buckets
              Sets the number of buckets per group for sparse storage
              Default value: 64, Must be between >=1 and <= 64

       -hash-table-load-factor-threshold threshold
              Sets the load factor threshold for real-time resizing
              Default value: 0.75, must be >= 0.5 and < 1

              Activates verbosity for the distributed storage engine

  Biological abundances

       -search searchDirectory
              Provides a directory containing fasta files to be searched in the de Bruijn graph.
              Biological abundances will be written to RayOutput/BiologicalAbundances
              See Documentation/BiologicalAbundances.txt

              Sets one color per file instead of one per sequence.
              By default, each sequence in each file has a different color.
              For files with large numbers of sequences, using one single color per file may be more efficient.

  Taxonomic profiling with colored de Bruijn graphs

       -with-taxonomy Genome-to-Taxon.tsv TreeOfLife-Edges.tsv Taxon-Names.tsv
              Provides a taxonomy.
              Computes and writes detailed taxonomic profiles.
              See Documentation/Taxonomy.txt for details.

       -gene-ontology OntologyTerms.txt  Annotations.txt
              Provides an ontology and annotations.
              OntologyTerms.txt is fetched from
              Annotations.txt is a 2-column file (EMBL_CDS handle	&	gene ontology identifier)
              See Documentation/GeneOntology.txt
  Other outputs

              Computes contig neighborhoods in the de Bruijn graph
              Output file: RayOutput/NeighbourhoodRelations.txt

              Writes the AMOS file called RayOutput/AMOS.afg
              An AMOS file contains read positions on contigs.
              Can be opened with software with graphical user interface.

              Writes k-mer graph to RayOutput/kmers.txt
              The resulting file is not utilised by Ray.
              The resulting file is very large.

              Exits after building graph.

              Writes read markers to disk.

              Writes seed DNA sequences to RayOutput/Rank.RaySeeds.fasta

              Writes extension DNA sequences to RayOutput/Rank.RayExtensions.fasta

              Writes contig paths with coverage values
              to RayOutput/Rank.RayContigPaths.txt

              Writes marker statistics.

  Memory usage

              Shows memory usage. Data is fetched from /proc on GNU/Linux
              Needs __linux__

              Shows memory allocation events

  Algorithm verbosity

              Shows the choice made (with other choices) during the extension.

              Shows the ending context of each extension.
              Shows the children of the vertex where extension was too difficult.

              Shows summary of outer distances used for an extension path.

              Shows the consensus when a choice is done.


       -write-checkpoints checkpointDirectory
              Write checkpoint files

       -read-checkpoints checkpointDirectory
              Read checkpoint files

       -read-write-checkpoints checkpointDirectory
              Read and write checkpoint files

  Message routing for large number of cores

              Enables the Ray message router. Disabled by default.
              Messages will be routed accordingly so that any rank can communicate directly with only a few others.
              Without -route-messages, any rank can communicate directly with any other rank.
              Files generated: Routing/Connections.txt, Routing/Routes.txt and Routing/RelayEvents.txt
              and Routing/Summary.txt

       -connection-type type
              Sets the connection type for routes.
              Accepted values are debruijn, hypercube, polytope, group, random, kautz and complete. Default is debruijn.
               torus: a k-ary n-cube, radix: k, dimension: n, degree: 2*dimension, vertices: radix^dimension
               polytope: a convex regular polytope, alphabet is {0,1,...,B-1} and the vertices is a power of B
               hypercube: a hypercube, alphabet is {0,1} and the vertices is a power of 2
               debruijn: a full de Bruijn graph a given alphabet and diameter
               kautz: a full de Kautz graph, which is a subgraph of a de Bruijn graph
               group: silly model where one representative per group can communicate with outsiders
               random: Erdős–Rényi model
               complete: a full graph with all the possible connections
              With the type debruijn, the number of ranks must be a power of something.
              Examples: 256 = 16*16, 512=8*8*8, 49=7*7, and so on.
              Otherwise, don't use debruijn routing but use another one
              With the type kautz, the number of ranks n must be n=(k+1)*k^(d-1) for some k and d

       -routing-graph-degree degree
              Specifies the outgoing degree for the routing graph.
              See Documentation/Routing.txt

  Hardware testing

              Tests the network and returns.

              Writes one additional file per rank detailing the network test.

       -exchanges NumberOfExchanges
              Sets the number of exchanges

              Skips the network test.


              Checks message data reliability for any non-empty message.
              add '-D CONFIG_SSE_4_2' in the Makefile to use hardware instruction (SSE 4.2)

              Writes RayPlatform scheduling information to RayOutput/Scheduling/

              Writes data for plugins registered with the RayPlatform API to RayOutput/Plugins

              Runs the profiler as the code runs. By default, only show granularity warnings.
              Running the profiler increases running times.

              Shows number of messages sent and received in each methods during in each time slices (epochs). Needs -run-profiler.

              Turns on -run-profiler and -with-profiler-details for debugging

              Shows all messages sent and received.

              Shows read placement in the graph during the extension.

              Debugs bubble code.
              Bubbles can be due to heterozygous sites or sequencing errors or other (unknown) events

              Debugs seed code.
              Seeds are paths in the graph that are likely unique.

              Debugs fusion code.

              Debug the scaffolder.


  Input files

     Note: file format is determined with file extension.

     .fasta.gz (needs HAVE_LIBZ=y at compilation)
     .fa.gz (needs HAVE_LIBZ=y at compilation)
     .fasta.bz2 (needs HAVE_LIBBZ2=y at compilation)
     .fa.bz2 (needs HAVE_LIBBZ2=y at compilation)
     .fastq.gz (needs HAVE_LIBZ=y at compilation)
     .fq.gz (needs HAVE_LIBZ=y at compilation)
     .fastq.bz2 (needs HAVE_LIBBZ2=y at compilation)
     .fq.bz2 (needs HAVE_LIBBZ2=y at compilation)
     .sff (paired reads must be extracted manually)
     .csfasta (color-space reads)
     .csfa (color-space reads)

  Outputted files


     	The scaffold sequences in FASTA format
     	The components of each scaffold
     	The length of each scaffold
     	Scaffold links


     	Contiguous sequences in FASTA format
     	The lengths of contiguous sequences


     	Overall numbers for the assembly

  de Bruijn graph

     	The distribution of coverage values
     	Analysis of the coverage distribution
     	Distribution of ingoing and outgoing degrees
     	k-mer graph, required option: -write-kmers
         The resulting file is not utilised by Ray.
         The resulting file is very large.

  Assembly steps

         Distribution of seed length
         Read markers.
         Seed DNA sequences, required option: -write-seeds
         Extension DNA sequences, required option: -write-extensions
         Contig paths with coverage values, required option: -write-contig-paths

  Paired reads

     	Estimation of outer distances for paired reads
         Frequencies for observed outer distances (insert size + read lengths)


         Number of reads in each file
     	Sequence partition

  Ray software

        The version of Ray
        The exact same command provided
        The smart command generated by Ray


     	Assembly representation in AMOS format, required option: -amos


	    	Latencies in microseconds
	    	Network test raw data


       - mpiexec -n 1 Ray -help|less (always up-to-date)
       - This help page (always up-to-date)
       - The directory Documentation/
       - Manual (Portable Document Format): InstructionManual.tex (in Documentation)
       - Mailing list archives:

       Written by Sébastien Boisvert.

       Report bugs to
       Home page: 

       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       GNU General Public License for more details.

       You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       along with this program (see LICENSE).

Ray 2.3.1

Ray is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

This website is also available at